#How to convert slides to digital photos software#
Step 8: Backup your images Photo library software makes organizing and viewing photos on the computer simple, but you should also burn your scanned photos to a CD, DVD, or an external hard drive for safekeeping.Step 7: Edit your images Using photo- editing software, view each image, cropping out bits you don't want, straightening slightly crooked images, and using color correction where necessary.

Step 6: Rename your digital scans Your scans will likely have numerical names that tell you nothing about the content of the scanned image.Step 5: Scan your old photos Using the software that came with your scanner, scan each photo into your computer.For use on the Web, a DPI of 72 is acceptable. Slides or negatives need a DPI of at least 2,400. Step 4: Select your DPI based on your image use For images you intend to print, a DPI (or dots per inch) of 300 is recommended.TIP: Turn on the scanner's light to reveal any overlooked smudges, fingerprints, or dirt.Step 3: Clean the scanner Using isopropyl, or another cleaning agent that won't leave residue or streaks, and a lint-free cloth, wipe any dust, smudges, and fingerprints off the scanner's glass bed.Any dirt or smudges will be visible in your scans. Step 2: Clean your photos Using a soft photography or makeup brush, gently clean your photos.This will make renaming and labeling them much easier later on.